# IPS Configuration File # # This has two areas: # the globals section and the IPs section # # The globals section defines the OS (and therefore the # ping command) and the default values for some parameters. # # After GLobals, the IP sections exist. # [Network_Section_name] # Name IP_Address ping_lim_Y ping_lim_O ping_lim_R Ping_Interval # # ping limit is in microseconds and limited to whole numbers. # Y is Yellow warning, O is orange warning and R is red warning. # The defaults for these are set at the beginning in Globals # # A section name must have a address after it. # comments can be started with a hash mark (#) but # must be on a line on their own. # Make sure that there is at least one carriage return at the # end - ie, the last line of info isn't the last line of the # config file (we've made it a comment here). [Globals] ### OS for ping command - un-remark one of the following ... # OS OpenBSD # OS FreeBSD # OS Linux OS Windows ### Warning levels in microseconds Red 400 Orange 300 Yellow 200 ## Ping interval in seconds Interval 15 [IPs] ### IPs section... # eg # [Accounts] # John_M y80 o120 r160 i15 # Mike_Y i60 # # Note that the y, o, r and i values are options and you # only need to set those you want to change if you want # to override the defaults you have set above # Also note that you have to have a host and an IP address # on a given line. #[iNet] [Servers] Obsidian y350 o450 r550 i10 NTLWorld y25000 o35000 r45000 i120 BBC y20000 o25000 r30000 i120 [Workstations] Amethyst y800 o1000 r1200 Zircon y80 o120 r160 Mercury y180 o220 r260 Emerald y80 o120 r160 i600 [Printers and Webcam] Diamond y3500 o4000 r4500 i10 Lapis y6500 o8000 r9500 i10 Sapphire y1800 o2000 r2200 i15 ### End of configuration file