I started the water rocket computer model
back in the early 1990's - it was the thing
that started me off on water rockets.
A version of my original computer model
was used in Wilf's Programmer's Workshop on
the cover disk of PC Plus in 1997. Since
then, I have updated the model a number of
times and, to a large extent, it has outgrown
the limitations of including extensive help
within it - merely providing a guide as to
what you should be doing while you are using
These help pages are intended to provide a
more complete and versatile set of help pages
that you can print out if you wish, or have
in a separate window running on the desktop.
If you have downloaded these files, you
should be able to access all of the pages
without reference to the Internet, as the
Internet site is restricted to the actual
construction of water rockets whereas these
pages refer specifically to the running of
the computer model.
The computer model itself will run either
on a DOS machine or on a Windows DOS box. If
you are doing the latter, you can select the
size of the text in the DOS box by selecting
the appropriate options.
I have written these pages using MicroSoft
Internet Explorer to check them, using a
screen resolution of 1024 x 768. They also
work well in 800 x 600 but on lower
resolutions, there may be problems with
graphics sizes. The graphics are designed for
the screen but if you want to print them out,
you can reduce the graphics by zooming out
(reducing their size by right-clicking and
selecting Zoom Out) and they should still
print well but use less ink.
These pages do not contain any frames,
scripting or active controls - containing
only images and HTML so there should not be
any problems with any company's security
policy unless that policy is based upon
ignorance, superstition and paranoia.
These pages are Copyright©2000
P.A.Grosse. All Rights reserved.
If you have any comments about the program
or these help pages, then e-mail me on pagrosse@compuserve.com