Water Rocket
Computer Model Palette Editor Details
I have updated
to Version 1.10 which, apart from having everything on it
that I could think of at the time I wrote Version 1.00,
has in addition a view button which allows you to look
at the sequence using a dummy full screen. The
screen shot on the right shows Version 1.00 running in a
DOS box under Windows 95, along with the WRCM and
the HTML help in the background. The idea behind this program is that the
user can have more control over the way that the
3 Dimensional Optimisations look. This can be
used for:
- Making school/university
projects look better;
- Displaying contours
- Individualising the model
output; and even,
- Using less printer ink.
NOTE:- You need to have version 4.40 or
later of the Water Rocket Computer Model so that
palettes are actually used.
When you
load the Palette Editor up and before the program
even displays the screen shown on the right:
- It checks to make sure
that all of the palettes in the order
file do exist, removing those that do not
(and letting you know about it first);
- If the order file does not
exist, it generates one using the
available files;
- It checks each of the
palette files to make sure that they
conform to the standard file
specification, adding any details as
required (again, letting you know what it
is doing); and,
- It lets you know if there
are too many palette files in the working
directory (you are limited to 100 files
in the directory and you can choose up to
and including 50 files to go into the
order file - why would anyone want
Once all of the checking has
been done, the List Editor (Main Screen) displays
itself, allowing the following:
- List of the first (up to)
100 palette files on the disk in
alphabetical order;
- List of the (up to) 50
palettes that the WRCM uses in the order
that they are used (I would recommend
that you have no more than between 10 and
30 otherwise, it becomes a pain to go
through them all to find the one that you
- Buttons to add files to
and remove files from the list;
- Buttons to move chosen
files up and down the list;
- Save List button (this
saves the palette list file, not the
- You can drag a file from
the file list into the selected file list
and drop it where you want in the order;
- You can drag a file from
the selected file list and if you drop it
in the first list, it will be removed
from the selected list;
- You can drag selected
files and drop them where you want on the
selected file list thus reordering the
- New palette button to
create a fresh palette (this starts off
as a grey scale but you can do what you
want with it - see below);
- Edit palette button to
edit the current palette (the one in
either list but the actual file is listed
in the window at the bottom of the screen
- that is the last oe you clicked on
whether it is from the list on the left
or the right). You can also edit a file
simply by double clicking it on either
file list;
- Copy palette button that
allows you to take an existing palette
and make a new copied file from it. You
have the opportunity to give it a new
description so that you can recognise it
and if the file name already exists, you
will be given the option to change it or
overwrite the existing file;
- Exit button. Should you
ever need to exit the program, this is
how you do it. Remember to save the
selected palette file list first though;
Palette Editor (Graphics Screen
displaying the colours as in the screen shot on
the right). This allows you the following:
- Copy button to copy a
chosen colour into the clipboard;
- Paste button to paste the
clipboard colour onto a chosen palette
colour. You need to have already copied a
colour first to do this. Press [Esc]ape
to get out of this;
- Flip button to invert the
order of a selection of palette colours.
Press [Esc]ape to get out of this;
- Gamma button to change the
linearity of a selection of palette
colours. You can choose which of Red
Green and Blue you want to edit. Press
[Esc]ape to get out of this;
- Interpolate button to make
a series of intermediate colours between
the two colours you choose, on the
palette colours between those two
colours. Again, you can change the
linearity as with Gamma above, except
that this time, the maximum and minimum
values for each of the three colours (R, G & B) is determined by the values of
the two chosen colours. Again, you can
choose which of R, G & B you want to edit;
TIP... You can make a good toned
transition from Black, through the colour
of your choice, to white by interpolating
between black (at the bottom) and white
(at the top) and choosing in turn R, G then B, and using a different
linearity for each.
- Save button to save the
palette and go back to the other screen.
- Abandon button to go back
to the other screen without saving.
- Note that each of the
previous functions can be selected by
pressing their initial letter to get it
(C, P, F, G, I, S & A) and when you
are within a function such as
Interpolate, the keyboard is still active
so that you can (in the case of
Interpolate as an example) press R, G, B,
C and D or [Esc]ape or use the arrow keys
to change the linearity.
- Drag and drop colours,
shifting those between just by clicking
on a colour and dragging it to where you
want it to go, then dropping it.
- Alter R, G & B values by dragging the
respective value bar.
- View the palette as it
would appear in the WRCM both with a
black background and a white background
so that the palette is easier to
the shot on the right, you will notice that the
Computer Model and the Palette Editor are running
at the same time. This is under Microsoft Windows
95.The Computer Model remembers where it is in
the Palette List file by remembering which line
it is on (the third line or the seventeenth line
and not the line with a particular palette in it
- this allows you to have palettes repeated in
places within the selected list if you need to
have them). Also, it opens the Palette List file
only when you press SpaceBar - it finds where it
was, finds the file name for the next palette
file, closes the Palette List file, opens the
particular Palette file, finds out the colour
values and then closes that. This means that the
files it uses are only open for a fraction of a
second (unless you are working from a flopppy
This means that you can edit the palette list
and the palettes themselves while the Computer
Model is running simply by pressing [Alt]+[Tab].
So, if you are trying to get that graph for that
science project looking just right and you need
to edit the files, you can switch from the
graphical screen to the Palette Editor (in either
screen) and back just by pressing [Alt]+[Tab],
without having to replot.