Rockets: Build your own rockets,
and launcher,
take aerial
with it and try out the
Rocket Computer Model to download
and HTML Help in four different
languages to download.
A computer model that will predict
the height that a water rocket will
fly, its time aloft and if there are
any peculiarities about the flight (amongst
many other things). You can use
it to optimise your flight by looking
at nozzle diameters, mass of water
and so on - includes files to get you
started, tips on what to do, 3D
graphs with automatic optimisation
searching to make it all easier (you
still have to build the real thing
for youself though :-). Have a
look at how
the model works. This is
a Postcardware program that
you can download or you can e-mail me
if you want to receive a copy as an
attachment. New
- updated computer model - now two
stage as well. If you have visited
this water rocket site before, you
can look at the What's
New page.