PC Plus HelpDesk - issue 242
This month, Paul Grosse gives you more insight into some of the topics dealt with in HelpDesk From the pages of HelpDesk, we look at:
- Named Pipes;
- Port Scans;
- Linear Regressions;
- Test Your Own Broadband Connection Speed; and,
- Bad characters in HTML in MS FrontPage.
Named Pipes
On UNIX-like systems there are a number of different types of 'file' that can exist. One of these is the 'named pipe' or FIFO (First In: First Out). As you can see from the screenshot on the right, they are zero-length and have permissions just like any file or directory.
You can create a pipe by using mkpipe. Supposing you want to make a pipe called 'cu' in '/home/paul/bin/perl'. You would do it like so...
mkpipe /home/paul/bin/perl/cuYou can set the permissions in the usual way - you can see that I have made mine rw-rw----.
Once the pipe is created, you can use it just like any file except that it needs to have a program listening to it in order to be able to write to it
The tiny Perl program on the right will take whatever you type in, open the pipe using '+<' as the opening mode and print it to the pipe.
If you happen to be running the program on the right in another shell, then it takes what has just been written to the pipe and prints it to STDOUT (the screen usually).
By using '+<', you can have this program monitoring the pipe continuously (as a daemon) and have many other programs write to it.
If you were to use '>>' (append and write) as the opening mode on the writing program, then the writing program would not exit until either it was sent a signal (such as [Ctrl][C] from the shell) in which case the contents of the pipe would be lost; or, until a reading program came along and read the contents of the pipe.
With '>>' in the write program, pressing [Ctrl][D] breaks out of the 'while' loop but the program doesn't exit until the pipe is read. With '+<' in the write program, pressing [Ctrl][D] also breaks out of the 'while' loop but the program exits without the pipe being read - even if you invoke the reader program afterwards.
So, if you want a program to run all of the time, monitoring the use of the pipe, you shouldn't have any problems. If you want to be able to send data to a pipe but then not lock up until the pipe is read, use '+<'. You can, of course, use an alarm to break out of a locked up pipe so that you don't end up with loads of zombie-like programs sitting around, waiting for something to come along and listen to them.
This is an example of the two programs included in this directory here as a tar.gz file working together. 'snd' sends messages to the pipe ('cu') and 'rcv' receives them and displays them.
The programs supplied are compressed in a tar.gz file. The reason I haven't created a zip file for Windows users is two-fold:
- the zip format cannot save named pipes - it just doesn't bother even when created by a compression utility on a UNIX system; and,
- as far as I know, Windows doesn't support pipes anyway.
Port Scans
If you are running your own personal firewall - or any type of firewall for that matter - you need to know (as opposed to being just complacent about it) that your firewall will block off all external attempts to open connections with your computer. Apart from the ones that you want, of course.
There are a number of sites that will scan your firewall for vulnerabilities for free - sending you a web page with the results on it when it has finished.
This one is AuditMyPC.com (http://www.auditmypc.com/) and, as you can see, it has discovered that there are three ports open on this firewall (a hardware firewall/router) on ports 25 (SMTP) 80 (HTTP) and 110 (POP3) - in this case, they are supposed to be open.
Click on the image on the right to see the screenshot full sized. The browser was Mozilla running on Solaris 10 going through two firewalls.
Test Your Own Broadband Connection Speed
You can test the responsiveness of your ISP's web server just by pinging it. However, if you are paying for a particular bandwidth, how do you know if you are getting it?
Some of the download programs such as those run under various web browsers will tell you how fast a file is currently downloading but the big drawback of that is that you have to be at a browser, downloading a file in order to see how fast the connection is. If you want to know how fast your connection is at all times of the day, you need to be able to do a number of things:
- use a server with a fast connection to your machine so that the only bottle neck is the one that your ISP puts in your broadband modem;
- be online all of the day;
- run a monitoring program that collects your data all of the time; and,
- run another program that processes the database that you have created with your monitoring program.
So, first of all, upload a large(ish) file - maybe around 500kB - to your ISP's web server. This will give your monitoring program enough of a chance to get a stable reading during the process. The first law of analysis is that an inadequate sample cannot give meaningful results.
Next, you need to install Perl and the GD library. On Linux/BSD/UNIX systems, this should be part of the distribution (certainly Perl itself is) but if you cannot find the GD library, you can install it from CPAN. If you find that you cannot get GD for your system you can always tweak the program so that it outputs a graph in the form of an HTML page. Also, you need to install WGET - again, this should be part of your distribution or you can download it from the Internet. All of these work on Linux and should work on Windows.
After that, click here to open the directory with the files in it in another browser window.
Create a directory in your home directory and copy the files from the /home directory in the browser window into your new directory.
Create a directory in your server directory (possibly called 'bbspeed' or similar) and copy the files from the /server directory into that. In your server config file (httpd.conf or similar) you might want to make that directory password protected or even put it in another directory (one that is not within the confines of the server root) if you aren't going to need to look at it from anywhere other than the local machine.
Next, open the Perl script files and edit any paths that need it, to the ones that you have on your machine (really, just where you have put these files) and then there is only one thing left to do.
Finally, open up the crontab file in /etc and copy the lines from the /crontabfrag/crontab.frag file into it - changing any paths as required. If you have done everything correctly, you should get a picture like the one on the right (click on it to open it in a new browser window/tab).
Bad characters in HTML in MS FrontPage
The World-Wide Web has minimum standards that everybody really should adhere to if they want their websites to work properly with the audience that they are aiming at. I'm not talking about using the right tags here, I'm talking about using characters that are likely to be found in the fonts used by people's browsers.
On the right, you can see how some characters have been used that do not appear in the browser's character set for the default font that is being used - why should someone who is building a web page assume that everybody who is important enough will have the same set of fonts that the designer does? The font used in the screenshot is Adobe Helvetica so it is not as though this is with some shoddy, couldn't-be-bothered font that is missing all of the 'important' characters including the tags.
The real problem with this web page is that it is encoded in 'Unicode utf8' although there is no mention of this anywhere in the document.
The section of text at the top is a bulleted list but instead of using the normal <ul><li>Gain direct...</li>...<ul> type tags which provides a nice looking, neat list, they have used line-breaks and special characters. Clearly, using a centred bullet point that requires the user to use an encoding that is not mentioned anywhere in the document and also failing to use the standard method of creating bulleted lists is very poor.
And the culprit? 'Microsoft FrontPage 4.0' apparently.